Islam has well-known historical experiences in the coexistence of civilizations and the diversity of religions, legislations, and social systems without exclusion, the Grand Imam while in Malaysia

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The moderate approach that does not know exclusion, demonization of opposers, or condemnation of Islamic doctrines accepted by the masses is the guarantor of a lasting Muslim unity, the Grand Imam while in Malaysia
The Grand Imam expresses his hope that the outburst of university youth from Europe and America in support of Gaza will help overcome the obstacle of East-West relations
The dishonorable generalizations about Islam by some Westerners, based on the actions of a stray group whose understanding of Islam is crooked, has hindered efforts of rapprochement between East and West, the Grand Imam while in Malaysia
Some Muslims in the East view the West as an overwhelming evil and a lurking enemy of Islam, the Grand Imam while in Malaysia
The Grand Imam stressed that the scientific path that guarantees the establishment and continuity of unity among Muslims is the moderate, open educational approach that does not know exclusion, demonization of opposers, or ready condemnation of Islamic creeds which are well received by the masses who still adhere to them to this day
He added, during his speech at USIM, on the occasion of being granted an honorary doctorate in studies of the Qur’an and Sunnah, that we Muslims - along with our Islam and our noble Prophet (PBUH) - have been destined to be falsely - or ignorantly - accused by some Western political and religious institutions of being a religion of violence, extremism, and war. He added that these are old and outdated claims we thought that the contemporary Western mind had overcome after having scientific and historical facts that testified to their falsity.
His Eminence explained that efforts and attempts have been made to clarify the truth on both sides, the Western and the Muslim, but they did not bring about the desired results due to many obstacles, the most important of which is the shameful generalization by some Westerners who generalize their offensive claims on Islam and Muslims, based on the actions of a stray group that has deviated from the true understanding of Islam, either to extremely puritanical textual literalism, or to armed violence, which it took as a method of expression and an approach to dialogue.
The Grand Imam pointed out that some Muslims in the East have also committed the same fault of generalization when they put the entire West in one basket, and viewed it as an imminent evil and an enemy lurking for Islam and Muslims, which must be confronted to limit its effects as much as possible. He expressed his hope that the uprising of young students in European and American universities to support the Palestinian cause will contribute greatly to overcoming this obstacle and reveal to us the sources of goodness in the souls of free people in the world.
He pointed to another obstacle that Muslims understand, which is that some Westerners are wary of the increase of Muslim groups in Western societies and fear that their cultural patterns will dominate the Western countries. He stressed that we could overcome this obstacle if the wise minds in the West and the East are convinced that Islam, by its nature, has well-known historical experiences in the coexistence of civilizations, and the diversity of religions, legislations, social rituals and systems under one umbrella, without excluding, dismissing or even competing with these civilizations.
His Eminence cited Islamic institutions - most notably Al-Azhar Al-Sharif - to contemplate the message they carry, which is represented primarily in two matters, the first of which is preserving the unity of Muslims and uniting their word, in addition to internal, regional and global peace. This is based on the fact that Allah sent the Messenger of Islam as a mercy to the worlds, "And We have not sent you, [O Muḥammad], except as a mercy to the worlds" (Qur'an 21:107). So people in the East and the West must receive their share of this bestowed mercy, which this merciful Prophet P (PBUH) embodies in his saying: “I am only a mercy sent to the worlds.”
The second matter is Al-Azhar Al-Sharif’s experience in teaching religion as texts, beliefs, values, and rulings, and this experience confirms that the more the scope of thought expands, and the more the schools of thought become diverse, while not limiting oneself to one school of thought, or one thinker, or even one particular doctrine, the safer the seeker of knowledge is from the danger of extremism and the error of fanaticism. Furthermore, one acquires forbearance and flexibility, which helps them to make the right choice, and to be firmly convinced of what the evidence and argument lead to.
The Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), awarded on Thursday, an honorary doctorate in Qur’an and Sunnah Studies to Al-Azhar Grand Imam and MCE Chairman, Prof. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb. It was handed over to His Eminence by His Highness USIM Pro-Chancellor, Tunku Ali Redhauddin, in the presence of Mr. Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia, Professor Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin, USIM Vice-Chancellor, and a group of Malaysian ministers, scholars, professors, researchers and students.

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